About Us Dear Visitor Friends, Due to the effects of Stage 4 Kidney Cancer and a rapidly changing Internet environment, I must disolve Printfree.com,llc as a business. Treatments and medications have disrupted my ability to properly concentrate and re-develope this site.It has lost some relavance with the increase in mobile devices, while printer usage has decreased as well. With all of that and trying to prepare my wife and 9 year old son for whatever will be, while continuing to work full time to support myself and pay mounting co-insurance expenses, with rapidly declining site ad revenue, I'm stuck! It has been a wonderful 15 years. We've literally had millions of visitors over the years from around the world. I beleive this was the first easy to use free printing site. Some of our calendars we're totally original. It's still hard to buy a nice bold calendar that can be seen from 10 feet. My wife created some awesome greeting card art from our own photography. Some how the site always remained free for our visitors to print from. (Duh, now we're broke & sick, but happy, LOL!) I'm going to try to keep the most used areas of the site on line, since some of it has been updated ahead. Many items are handmade and I'm not sure if we'll be able to follow up in the years to come. Thanks so much for visiting through out the years! Ken Huddleston info@printfree.net kenneth_huddleston@msn.com 4/29/2015 The designers of Printfree.com are a very small two person operation. The whole idea behind Printfree.com is for visitors to be able to "print free" some common useful items they would normally have to pay for, not to mention make an inconvenient trip to a store to purchase. Printfree.com the domain was secured early in 1999 with this sole intended purpose and is now finally available to internet users around the world. We hope your visit to Printfree.com is a pleasant experience and that you find Printfree.com a useful tool. If you like Printfree.com please don't keep it a secret. Our entire success depends on attracting many visitors through the attraction of the usefulness of the site. Thank You for visiting and have a good day! For the press and media Our first Press Release -- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 Our second Press Release - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 Our third Press Release - Tuesday, April 1st, 2008 Printfree.com is a very small business, we have no day to day news or press releases. Should you be interested in letting your audience know about us, we will be happy to assist you in any way we can and answer any questions. Please contact us through our feedback page for more information. Printfree.com is owned and published by: Printfree.com,LLC P.O.Box 825 Landenberg, Pa. 19350 President: Kenneth J. Huddleston Editor: Kenneth J. Huddleston Assistant Editor: Sandra L. Huddleston Model appearances: Casey M. Huddleston (Our Son) Mindy, Max, & Missy Huddleston (Our dogs) and Johnny D. Bird Please contact us through our feedback page. We rarely have time to review postal mail. All rights reserved ![]() |