you can make nice looking ¼ fold cards right from your own
downside is those packages of paper with the matching funny
sized envelopes, and the purchase of inkjet cartridges,
and the purchase of desktop publishing software,
consumes the savings realized by not actually purchasing
greeting cards in the store. As you've
undoubtedly seen throughout other pages in this site, we've
covered the image and card issues pretty well, and will
continue to update our material. Now let's tackle the
envelope issue, and save some money.
Step 1 This
outline show proper card placement to begin making an
envelope. The card will be directly in the center, side
way when the paper is viewed in its' normal position.
Here is another
view, the card is in the normal position, The sheet of
paper is now sideways. You don't have to draw an
Step 2 The
first two folds will be on the long sides (11") of
the paper, fold them so the card has just a little bit
of room on each side.

Step 3 Using
medium pressure, use a clean, hard object, to go over
and crease the folds, on a hard clean surface. The side
of this marker and the wooden table top in the photo
work very well for this purpose.
Step 4 The
next fold will make the bottom of the envelope or the

Step 5 This
fold will make the top of the envelope or the "flap"

Step 6 Ordinary
transparent tape will seal up the envelope just fine.

Step 7 Address
your envelope, add a stamp, and you're done.
