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Customize this card with your text.

The first two lines on this card have larger text and accept 1-16 characters.
Other fields will accept between 1-21 characters.
If using all capitals, use approximately one third less characters per field.
You can change the greeting to say anything you wish.
All fields must have an entry.
By default we have entered either text or a blank for you.
Should you receive an error message, simply refer to the field named,
and enter a blank space with your space bar, or text.
(most likely you made and entry, then cleared it, removing our default blank)

After your text has been entered click on make my card,
to view your ready to print card.
Use your back button to return to this page for changes. 

If this is your first visit to this site please read Tips on Printing for best results. 
This is a Plain Envelope Card.
It does not require special card paper or envelopes for
great results.

 For best results use bright white paper of a decent quality.
The directions for folding are fairly simple.

This is not a secure web page. Info you enter could be viewed.

Only the large image
will be on your card.

